The Arsenal Files 8
The Arsenal Files Collection #8 (Arsenal Computer) (1996).ISO
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█████ The Arsenal Files #8
█████ Games - Quake
█████ PATH: \G_QUAKE
222X3DM.ZIP [0] 222x3 - Quake Deathmatch Level Small simple
| dm level.
2FORT23.ZIP [0] Quake: - 2 forts Info [-/D] New - (by
| GamesNet) TeamFortress v1.3 Quake Map
3WAVE23.ZIP [0] Quake: - Threewave Capture Info [.] New . (by
| GamesNet)
4ZOMBIES.ZIP [0] Quake: - Zombies! Info [.] New . (by
| GamesNet) Who doesn't love zombies? Well, I
| figured th was one type of z very much
| needed, but missing from Quake. No can love
| (loathe even more.
5150.ZIP [0] Quake REG 1.01 or hi: - 5150 Info [-/D] New .
| (by GamesNet) 5150 is a Deathmatch only bsp.
| For use with registered 1.01 or higher.
ABOMB6.ZIP [0] Quake: - Atom Bomb Info [.] New - (by
| GamesNet) If you thought lightning gun
| discharges were fun underwater, just wait!
| Uses about half of all ammo possible, kills
| others, and leaves you with 1-3 health. It
| will explode after 30 seconds or until
| touched by someone other than you.
ACBETA1.ZIP [0] Quake: - AIRCRAFT v0.9 (Public Beta, First
| release)
ADVQCC.ZIP [0] Quake: - Advanced QCC Version 2 Updated by
| Walter Lord This is an improved rework of the
| Quake compi by John Carmack.
ALSC.ZIP [0] Quake: - ALSC Deathtrap by Darin Mc Info
| [-/D] New . (by GamesNet) This is a medium
| sized DM level, based somewhat on my
| workplace. This was more a learning attempt,
| but still pretty neat.
ALTHOME.ZIP [0] Quake: - Chris Hilton
AMGOTHQ.ZIP [0] Quake: - American GothiQuake V2.0 Info [.]
| New S/G (by GamesNet) American Gothic patch
| for Quake. Play at being Lucus Buck - watch
| out for Caleb, though. Sounds and skins
| modifications. Fave sample: "some day we'll
| make that hate work for you" - player to dead
| shambler.
ANTICAMP.ZIP [0] Quake: - AntiCamper v1.0
ARENA1.ZIP [0] Quake: - Arena 1 Info [-/D] New - (by
| GamesNet) A small DM level designed for at
| least 3 play preferably more, fast moving and
| really spook when the lights go dim... I'd
| say It would be too crowded for more than
| about 8 players.
ARENA2.ZIP [0] Quake: - The Arena Returns Info [S/D] New .
| (by GamesNet) Large deathmatch level with
| central supply ar Changes made to allow for
| better deathmatch f more than two players.
| Lots of secret areas. Everything is included
| except quad damage and the pentagram.
ARKA.ZIP [0] Quake: - The ARKA sections Info [-/D] New -
| (by GamesNet) This my 5th Deathmatch level,
| and this level is the greatest, the level is
| big but not to I wanted to create a better
| level than the ot a level you want to play
| all the time ... After the famous BENTA base
| ... the ARKA sect Download the file and you
| will see that I'm n joking. !PLEASE! after
| you have played the le please tell me how you
| like or dislike it ...
ARMA1.ZIP [0] Quake: - ARMAGEDDON 1 Info [-/D] New - (by
| GamesNet) DM Level for Quake Registered,
| suitable for 2 players AUTHOR : Matthias
| Matthias.Worch@uni-essen.de AUTHOR INFO :
| Author of The Troopers' Playground for DooM
| II,
ARMA2.ZIP [0] Quake: - Armageddon 2 Info [S/D] New - (by
| GamesNet) Here it is, the second Armageddon
| level. What started as a pure dm map has
| become a combine single/DM level that plays
| well in both modes
ASC2MAP.ZIP [0] Quake: - A 3ds4 .asc to .map converter (for
| DOS). Made with DJGPP.
AVENGQ.ZIP [0] Quake: - Avengers of Quake ! Info [.] New -/G
| (by GamesNet) This puts the popular Avengers
| characters in
AXEME7.ZIP [0] Quake: - axeme7 Info [S/D] New . (by
| GamesNet) A fairly simple level designed
| mainly for deathmatch
BABEL.ZIP [0] Quake: - Tower of Babel Info [S/C/D] New S
| (by GamesNet) Have you ever played Doom? Then
| you'll know what this is about. If you don't
| want to be surprised, go on and read
| spoiler.txt
BASMNT.ZIP [0] Quake: - Basement Info [-/D] New - (by
| GamesNet) Small DM level for 2-5 players
BATCHMAP.ZIP [0] Quake: - BatchMap version 1.0 .MAP -> .BSP
| front end
BATTLE.ZIP [0] Quake: - The Battlefield Info [./D] New - (by
| GamesNet) My first attempt at a Quake DM
| level, created using Worldcraft. It's 3 major
| rooms, with mo to come. I'm uploading it for
| some feedback, I can make the final release
| super.
BEAVIS.ZIP [0] Quake: - Beavis Quake Deathmatch Sounds- This
| one has monster sound and everything!
| Instructions: Hmm hmm, just unzip it in the
| Quake director something, hmm hmm... and
| start Quake with -game beavis... hmm hm
| hmhmhmhm, buttmunch........ Oh yea, check out
| "The Quake Chronicles" or I'll get medievil
| on your ass... be-ach!
BENTA.ZIP [0] Quake: - The BENTA Base Info [S/D] New - (by
| GamesNet) DM Level for Quake Registered,
| suitable for 2 players AUTHOR : Tom Winger
| EMAIL ADRESS : tomwing@ycom.or.at
BGBOT16.ZIP [0] Quake: - BG Bot Info [.] New . (by GamesNet)
| What started as a TM bot has drasticly change
| Now using the Player model, in Deathmatch the
| menacing bots will have you on your toes.
| Respawning when they die. In one player or
| coop, one bot help conquer the levels with
| you.
BGBOT20A.ZIP [0] Quake: - BG Bot Info [.] New ./L (by
| GamesNet) This is the ALPHA version. I know
| there are many, many bugs. If you find any it
| is ok to mail me about it. Just don't go
| overboard.
BLACKMAJ.ZIP [0] Black Majik - Quake Deathmatch Level An
| AWSOME Quake deathmatch level built from John
| Carmack's level JOHNC99.MAP. I've changed it
| a sh@#load and suited it for deathmatch. If
| you haven't yet got this level.... GET IT NOW
| !!!!!!!
BLUELGN.ZIP [0] Quake: - Blue Lagoooon Info [./D] New - (by
| GamesNet) Made this in 8 hours, hopefully
| cool dm level for ya guys. Well its blue and
| fun. Also has patented gibber of mine.. I
| made Runways and Galore both available on
| cdrom.com.......... Hey talk to me in #hexen,
| #quakeed, #quake_c #quake2, in undernet of
| course
BNBDMS4.ZIP [0] Quake: - Beavis and Butthead- Quake
| Deathmatch Sounds-
BOMBS8.ZIP [0] Quake: - Bombs8 QuakeC weapon patch by PVP
BOMBS9.ZIP [0] Quake: - Bombs9 QuakeC weapon patch by PVP
| Bombs9 is a fully networkable quakeC patch th
| enables 2 extra gr launcher modes and 2 extra
| rocket launcher mo
BONE.ZIP [0] Quake: - Give that doggie a bone! - A QuakeC
BORT22.ZIP [0] Quake: - Bort's QuakeC Mod v2.2 Compiled with
| the new Quake v1.06 source code
BOTSKN20.ZIP [0] Quake: - BotSkin (for Quake 1.06) Info [.]
| New ./L (by GamesNet) Originally a BGBot(1.6)
| hack, this little project started with the
| inclusion of skins to help distinguish
| between the bots. Now includes improved
| combat ai, fixed attack code, all the death
| animations, bodies that stay and MORE! Just
| added: Teamplay! Make a team of bots and go
| head to head with your HelperBots!
BOXEDIN.ZIP [0] Quake: - BOXED IN Info [-/D] New - (by
| GamesNet) Deathmatch level that is a large
| courtyard with 16 buildings in a 4X4 pattern.
| Wind brushes in each one take you to the
| roof- tops, and 4 of the buildings lead down
| into a labyrinth with the best weapons, but
| very tight space. There are PLENTY of weapons
| spread throughout, so you shouldn't have to
| use the axe. (whew, I feel much better now!)
BOXING.ZIP [0] Quake: - The Boxing Arena Info [-] New - (by
| GamesNet) Awesome boxing arena, 2 dm starts,
| pretty sma but it kicks ASSS!
BREAK008.ZIP [0] Quake: - break008 v1.0 Info [-/D] New . (by
| GamesNet) Medium sized deathmatch level
| including a coo lava shrine, small corridors,
| open areas etc. There are also some hidden
| areas (look for them WITHOUT noclip!),
| teleporter shortcuts and so on. I tried to
| place all of the items as "fair" a possible,
| so no one could win just by staying at the
| right place and keeping the ctrl-butto
BSP44A.ZIP [0] Quake: - BSP 0.44a - A Quake Editor.
BSPINFO.ZIP [0] Quake: - bspinfo I have optimized the bspinfo
| program in the q utilities just a see how
| much better/faster the thing runs wit those
| huge array idbspnfo: recompiled the source
| code from id with watcom bspnfo10: version
| 1.0 of the recode. It doe not use the static
| Also changed the bsp version error
BSP_V043.ZIP [0] BSP is a QUAKE editor WITH DIRECT3D
BTHNT10.ZIP [0] Quake: - Bot Hunt Info [.] New . (by
| GamesNet) Impulse 100 creates 1 bot, but up
| to 13 with different names. This(these)
| bot(s) will help you in co-op and kill you in
| deathmat computer sucks and can only handle
| up to 9. T bots will be like a real player.
| Can pick up everything, the invisibility
BTR1.ZIP [0] Quake: - Beat The Reaper I Info [-/D] New -
| (by GamesNet) A DM/Team Level aimed at 2 to
| 12 player games
BTR2.ZIP [0] Quake: - Beat The Reaper II Info [-/D] New -
| (by GamesNet) A DM/Team Level aimed at 2 to
| 12 player games
BTSKN22.ZIP [0] Quake: - BotSkin (for Quake 1.06) Info [.]
| New ./L (by GamesNet) Originally a BGBot(1.6)
| hack, this little project started with the
| inclusion of skins to help distinguish
| between the bots. Now includes improved
| combat ai, fixed attack code, all the death
| animations, bodies that stay and MORE! Just
| added: Teamplay! Make a team of bots and go
| head to head with your HelperBots!
BUB2.ZIP [0] Quake: - BUBBAH'S SLATE!!! Info [S/D] New -
| (by GamesNet) Full Quake map & funny
| deathmatch
BUBBAH.ZIP [0] Quake: -Bubbah's Lair Hello everyone, This is
| a level created using 3dstudio and ma into a
| map file using Voltron's keyscript (WAY
| COOL!!!). And is meant for single player or
| deathmatch, though the latter hasn't been
| tested yet. This is as much as I can do
| without crashing computer. It's a small level
| with no secrets and no use
BUUUH.ZIP [0] Quake: - Scare to Death v0.9 (tm) Now you can
| scare the other DM players to dea Works only
| with registered Quake 1.01. (Cool Made by Bo
| Sorensen <c918873@student.dtu.dk>
CAMPKILL.ZIP [0] Quake: - Camper-Killer & Next-Level Randomize
CAMPKI~1.ZIP [0] Quake: - Camper-Killer, Next-Level Cycler,
CANNON.ZIP [0] Quake: - A373317 Phased Pulse Cannon Info
| [S/C/D] New S/G (by GamesNet) Note: Portions
| of this file have been delete the interests
| of national security. To anyon intends to
| opperate this weapon, it is highly
| recommended to read this text. The A373317
| Phased Pulse Cannon is an experim mass
| destruction weapon from the engineers at .
| Using the same theories the teleporter, it
| fires small space-time
CAPTFLAG.ZIP [0] Quake: - This is a replacement skin for the
| player.mdl to be used the capture the flag
| games. I made this to eliminate the confusion
| that comes from a player on blue te wearing a
| red shirt and visa versa. This is the Quake-
| with the the pant's color for his shirt.
CATADOOM.ZIP [0] Quake: - Catacombs of Doom (Lair of the Phoen
| Info [-/D] New - (by GamesNet) A Deathmatch
| level based specifically one of our favourite
| Doom2 Level and appropr- iately "Quake-ified".
CBOT1.ZIP [0] Quake: - Eliminator Bot Deathmatch Level Info
| [.] New . (by GamesNet) This is a level I
| made for the EliminatorBot you need to go a
| with this level, as this level was inspired b
| the House of Cythn on the net, but rocks with
| bots.
CHASECAM.ZIP [0] Quake: - Chase cam Info [.] New . (by
| GamesNet)
CHASEROC.ZIP [0] Quake: - Chase Rocket, v0.1 Info [.] New .
| (by GamesNet) Chase cam v3.3, (which isn't
| released yet) is built into this patch also.
| The main improvement of 3.3 is t targeter.
CHILLERS.ZIP [0] Quake: - Chillers Info [-/D] New - (by
| GamesNet) This is my first quake map. This
| deathmatch l is based on a club I like to go
| to.It has sort o medevil theme to it. Medium
| sized with all th weapons.
CHNDLIER.ZIP [0] Quake: - Chandelier Info [.] New . (by
| GamesNet) This is just a chandelier I whipped
| up.
CHSE1M1.ZIP [0] Quake: - This is a demo using Rob Albin's
| ChaseCam2. Chasecam2 is a kick ass patch! get
| it!
CLAUS.ZIP [0] Quake: - yeah this is my level for quake
CLIMB.ZIP [0] Quake: - The Climb Info [S] New . (by
| GamesNet) Testing out some new things as far
| as architecture(ie.ramps, slope etc.)
CLOGGED.ZIP [0] Quake: - Clogged (Version 1.1) Info [-/D] New
| . (by GamesNet) A deathmatch level consisting
| of a battle arena, hallways around the
| perimeter, lower and upper water rooms, and
| strange flooded tubes connecting them all.
| Note: This level was comp via QBSP et all for
| registered Quake versions 1.00 & 1.01.
| Effects of running this BSP with other versio
CLOWN.ZIP [0] Quake: - Clown Soldier Info [.] New ./L (by
| GamesNet)
COFFIN.ZIP [0] Quake REG 1.01 or hi: - The Coffin: Quake
| DeathMatch Level Info [-] New . (by GamesNet)
| The Coffin is a relatively small Deathmatch-o
| level for Quake. There are three main areas:
| a two-story square aren a smaller square
| arena with stairs, and a sew There are many
| teleporters, weapons, and armo
COM.ZIP [0] Quake: - Challenge of the Masters for QUAKE
| Info [-/D] New - (by GamesNet) Challenge of
| the Masters is a small but tight DeathMatch
| level for Quake. Tons of angled ramps able
| you to to drop grenades on the unsuspecting
| foes below while they exchange rocket fire
| with you. Teleporters wisk you speedly to the
| second floor where you will have the
| advantage to dish out your carnage. Fast and
| furious action. A bloodfest.
COMPASS.ZIP [0] Quake: - Display direction player is facing
| Info [.] New . (by GamesNet) This mod will
| display the direction you are facing whenever
| you hits the TAB key. (don't worry, TAB still
| sho scores).
COMPRESS.ZIP [0] Quake: - The Compressor from The QuakeLab
| based on a concept by David Spell
COMPV09B.ZIP [0] Quake: - C o m p i l e v0.9 beta Compile
| v0.9b, a command-line driven shell for QBSP,
| LIGHT and VIS - the id Quake level compiling
| utilities. Compile supports: -* Multiple map
| files with identical parameters -* Full
| manual control of all command line parameters
| for QBSP,
COOL_WEP.ZIP [0] Quake: - This QuakeC patch changes a couple
| of the weapons...
COOP-PAK.ZIP [0] Quake: - Co-op Pack Info [.] New . (by
| GamesNet) f the Modification - My compilation
| of others patchs. This is mad for single and
| co-op play(don't you people ever get tired of
| deathmatch?). Put together not to give an
| advantage, but a little wider choice
COWBOY.ZIP [0] Quake: - Angel Eyes Skin Replacement for Play
CROSSME.ZIP [0] Quake REG 1.01 or hi: - Cross Me Info [-/D]
| New . (by GamesNet) Deathmatch only map. Best
| with 3-5 players. There is NO EXIT in this
| level.
CSPIKE10.ZIP [0] FILE: cspike10.zip CONTENTS: spikes.qc
| weapons.qc progs.dat progs.src spike10.txt
| AUTHOR: Charlie Zimmerman EMAIL:
| czimmerm@cyberenet.net HOME:
| http://www.cyberenet.net/~czimmerm/quake.html
| CHANGES: OOOPS. Major bug fixed. If the
| grenade launcher was fi the nailguns quake
| crashed. Now that is fix
CUJGRAP.ZIP [0] Quake: - Me and my dog Cujo Info [.] New ./L
| (by GamesNet)
CYBRDMON.ZIP [0] Quake: - Tower of Babel Info [S/C/D] New S
| (by GamesNet) Have you ever played Doom? Then
| you'll know what this is about. If you don't
| want to be surprised, go on and read
| spoiler.txt
DARKBT01.ZIP [0] Quake: - Dark Bot Info [.] New ./L (by
| GamesNet)
DARKHALL.ZIP [0] Quake: - Dark Halls V1.01 Info [-/D] New -/G
| (by GamesNet) Deathmatch level for Quake(tm),
| intended for 3-4 players, about the size (and
| style) of DM2.
DARTS06.ZIP [0] Quake: - Poison Dart Gun v0.6 Adds a poison
| dart gun : shoots darts which cause health to
| gradually drain.
DAS_QDM1.ZIP [0] DaScott's Quake Deathmatch mods v1.0 by
| DaScott (on #quake) dascott@richnet.com and
| entreri@richmond.infi.net Type: Server
| required only Target: Deathmatch! Source: Not
| included; Coming soon!
DBTD.ZIP [0] Quake: - Death By The Dozen Info [.] New .
| (by GamesNet) A DM Level aimed at 4-8 player
| games. A detailed text file is include in the
| dbtd.zip file.
DEATHIC.ZIP [0] Quake REG 1.01 or hi: - Death is Coming: Quak
| DeathMatch Level Info [-] New . (by GamesNet)
| Quite small, but totally action packed Quake
| deathmatch map. Mini castle/tower/hut thing
| in middle of map, rafters/ledges around sides
| and catwalk over head. 10 respawn points.
DEATHX3.ZIP [0] Quake: - deathx Info [-/D] New - (by
| GamesNet) TeamFortress v1.3 Quake Map
DECOYZ.ZIP [0] Quake: - Decoyz Quake QC Modification Info
| [.] New . (by GamesNet) Bind a key to IMPULSE
| 61 to throw the decoy activator(Looks like a
| Bind a key to IMPULSE 62 to activate the deco
| Bind a key to IMPULSE 63 to remotely detonate
| decoy. Bind a key to IMPULSE 64 to switch the
| decoy
DECOYZ2.ZIP [0] Quake: - Decoyz Quake QC Modification Info
| [.] New . (by GamesNet) I wanted to make
| these decoyz for use in DEAT MATCHES after
| looki decoy and hologram mods. Most of those
| didn' work quite right or have what I wanted.
| Bind a key to IMPULSE 61 to throw the decoy
| activator(Looks like a Bind a key to IMPULSE
| 62 to activate the deco
DECREE.ZIP [0] Quake: - Devil's Decree Info [S/C] New - (by
| GamesNet) Full Quake map.
DEEPFRY.ZIP [0] The Deep Fryer Cage - from The QuakeLab
DELIRIUM.ZIP [0] Quake: - Demented Delirium Info [S/C/D] New -
| (by GamesNet) This level was made for
| deathmatch, and has m items laying around in
| it for deathmatch play However, because i to
| find people to play deathmatch levels with
| than to play it by I have inputted some
| monsters to wack at. Du the large number I
| MADE IT HARD. So be sure to put all the
DEMOCH2.ZIP [0] Demo Charges v2.0 for Quake. This addon gives
| you a demolition bomb that will attach to
| anything and allow you to detonate from a
| distance. Very cool. New Graphics.
DESPAIR.ZIP [0] Quake: - Liquid Despair Info [S/D] New - (by
| GamesNet) Single player level for registered
| Quake.Well planned, ,nicely designed lighting
| and texture matchin monsters,working
| doors,exit(takes you to e1m8 lots of places
| to kill things.>:)
DETHCRSS.ZIP [0] Quake Registered v1.: - Death Cross v1.0 Info
| [S/D] New - (by GamesNet) Quake BSP
DM3RULES.ZIP [0] Quake: - DeathMatch 3 Rules (QuakeC patch)
| Info [.] New . (by GamesNet) Makes weapons
| stay in play, like they
DM5-HELL.ZIP [0] - 7 Quake Maniacs kicking ASS in DM5! - Watch
| me going ASSASSIN at frag >50!
DMCAM11.ZIP [0] Quake: - DocWilco's DeathMatch Camera Info
| [.] New . (by GamesNet)
DMMDE321.ZIP [0] Quake: - Deathmatch Modes
DMROCK_1.ZIP [0] Quake: - Dm Rocks v.5
DOB.ZIP [0] Quake: - Dynasty of Blood for QUAKE Info
| [-/D] New - (by GamesNet) Dynasty of Blood is
| a small but tight DeathMatch level for Quake
| and features a wind tunnel to aid you in
| reaching the rafters where the better weapons
| lie. If you locate the secret area the Quake
| Power awaits you. Ment for 2 to 4 players,
| Dynasty of Blood has 8 DM starts. A bloodfest
DOGGET1.ZIP [0] Quake Registered 1.0: - DOGGET1.1 Info [-/D]
| New . (by GamesNet) Death match level based
| loosely on old doomII wad. Has traps and
| tricks and other groovy stuff that is quake
| styled..
DOGGIE.ZIP [0] Quake: - ....Doggie Rocket A neat patch I
| made myself. It turns your bor rockets into
| DOGGIES! When you launch them, 'Woof! Woof!'
| when they explode, they whine.
DOOMGUNS.ZIP [0] Quake: - DoomGuns Info [.] New . (by GamesNet)
DOTD.ZIP [0] Quake: - Death On The Docks Info [-/D] New -
| (by GamesNet) A DM Level aimed at 4-8 player
| games
DPT106.ZIP [0] Quake: - Deathmatch Power Toys Info [.] New .
| (by GamesNet)
DQLBETA.ZIP [0] Dan's Quake-C Launcher Version .05
DRAKOPF.ZIP [0] Quake: - DRAKOPF Info [S/D] New -/G (by
| GamesNet) 2 single-player levels(It was 1
| level;2Mb,108 brushes ,ok,I got carried away)
| The 1st part starts o in the mountains
| leading to the castle Drakopf.It contains a
| 'dopefish'style secret,and the usual gang of
| monsters.
DRKEY012.ZIP [0] Quake: - DarkEye Guided Missile v0.12
DRONE03.ZIP [0] Quake: - Drone v.03
DROPDE-2.ZIP [0] Quake: - DROP DEAD v1g
DRUG.ZIP [0] Quake: - drugged quake player demo Info [.]
| New . (by GamesNet) Quake character got some
| dope (by divine intervention).
DRUGQC.ZIP [0] Quake: - drugged player quake c patch Info
| [.] New . (by GamesNet) Impulse 12 will start
| the fun. Try to play qu on nightmare now.
DTHMAP.ZIP [0] Quake: - DeathMap Info [-/D] New . (by
| GamesNet) My first venture into creating
| levels for Quake. Has a wind tunnel, spike-
| shooters, a collapsing bridge, and a crusher.
| Also has two teleporters.Has an original
| trap, which is easy enough to escape though.
DTHSPWN2.ZIP [0] Quake: - DeathSpawn2 Info [./D] New - (by
| GamesNet) This is the second version of the
| level DeathSpawn. I added some more cool
| things too enhance deathmatch play and
| changed some textures too make it lo better.
| You will definitly notice the difference's si
| i also
DUKEMOD.ZIP [0] Quake: - Dukemod
DUNGEON.ZIP [0] Quake: Deathmatch Dungeon I Info [.] New -
| (by GamesNet) This is a small deathmatch
| level for 4 players (only 4 starts). We have
| played this with 3 deathmatchers and it has
| got some action :). Prepare to get fragged...
| BTW, to get to the upper floor, jump when you
| are below the round holes on ceiling.
DXF2TRI.ZIP [0] Quake: - DXF2TRI DXF polyline/polygon to
| triangle converter
E1M1ANG.ZIP [0] Quake: - Uh... here's a demo of a nice guy
| (that's me) beating E1M with 100% secrets and
| 100% kills, with an axe know it's already
| been done, but I do it a little differently (
| those of you who didn't like how it was done
| before). You'll k what I mean when see it.
| Anyhow, thanks to Smack for doing the first
| one. If he did
E1M2_215.ZIP [0] Quake demo, S/W ver 1.01 (runs on reg. ver
| also)
EARTHWAR.ZIP [0] Duke Nukem 3D: EARTHWAR (Version 1.3) (Single
| Player, DukeMatch). A battle zone near a majo
| quake site...
EBASE1.ZIP [0] Quake: - EarthQuake Base Info [-/D] New - (by
| GamesNet) A small level kind of like Qhenge
| only with a industrial setting. This level is
| great fun in a DeathMatch with Bots. I made
| it to be used with the Reaper bot.
EDM-V099.ZIP [0] Quake: - Extra Deathmatch Modes Module Info
| [.] New . (by GamesNet)
EFXB1.ZIP [0] Quake: - EFX v1.0b (Beta, First release)
EJECT.ZIP [0] QuakeC Addon that makes the shotguns eject
| shell casings! Very cool. New sounds/graphics
ELB_DM3.ZIP [0] Quake: - Dm3 (The Abandoned Base) Info [.]
| New . (by GamesNet)
ELDEN1.ZIP [0] Quake: - EldenCross! Info [S] New . (by
| GamesNet) A single playercool map ... Using
| metal.wad, with 23 monsters.
ELIM-VX1.ZIP [0] Quake: - DM1 and E1M2 maps for Eliminator Bot
| Info [.] New . (by GamesNet)
ELIM14.ZIP [0] Quake: - Eliminator CBot Engine Info [.] New
| . (by GamesNet)
ELIM14PK.ZIP [0] Quake: - This is the latest version of ELIM 1
ELIMD2M7.ZIP [0] Quake: - D2MAP07 for Eliminator Bot Info
| [./D] New . (by GamesNet) I don't like the
| deathmatch levels in Quake v much, actually
| th nice but I had enough of them... I was
| very h to see Tom Musta Quake version of
| Doom2's map07, which is a gr deathmatch
| level, never got to play more than two
| players here. This map07 is grea
ELIMDESO.ZIP [0] Quake: - House of Desolation bsp map for
| Eliminator Bot Info [.] New . (by GamesNet)
ELIMDM4.ZIP [0] Quake: - DM4 map for Eliminator Bot Info [.]
| New . (by GamesNet)
ELIMTST1.ZIP [0] Quake: - Eliminator CBot Engine - Level
| Construction Set Info [.] New . (by GamesNet)
| This is a construction set for creating level
| for use with the Eliminator Bot Patch and the
| CBot Engine. It contains a compiled version
| of the Engine Test Mode, a copy of the
| Eliminator Waypoint Guide, plus example level
EL_DOTD.ZIP [0] Quake: - Eliminator does Death On The Docks
| Info [-] New - (by GamesNet) A DM Level aimed
| at 4-8 player games, now compatible with the
| Elimina Bot patch.
EL_KYSE3.ZIP [0] Quake: - kysenty3 map for the eliminator bot
| Info [.] New . (by GamesNet)
ETHELL.ZIP [0] Quake: - Et's Level Of HELL!!!! Info [.] New
| - (by GamesNet) Cool Single play level.
| Awesome actually. Jus try it. It is prett
ETWORLD.ZIP [0] Quake: - E.T.'s World Info [.] New - (by
| GamesNet) A Mario-like single player Quake
| map.
EXPLVER1.ZIP [0] Exploding Walls v1.0 from The QuakeLab
E_QHENGE.ZIP [0] Quake: - Eliminator Does QuakeHenge Info
| [./D] New . (by GamesNet) QHenge is great,
| its fast, simple and alot of fun, but wait
| theres more! Now with Eliminator code bring
| on gibbed death madness Mod includes basic
| eliminator code, not much really, just enough
| to make it fun. Also Qhenge now sports a
| lightning gun instead of a rocketlauncher, an
| extra nailgun or two some armor, and more
| ammo.
FAKEIT09.ZIP [0] Quake: - Fakeit Info [.] New . (by GamesNet)
FAST3.ZIP [0] Quake: - Fast Flag Info [-/D] New - (by
| GamesNet) TeamFortress v1.3 Quake Map
FASTQCC.ZIP [0] Quake: - This is the standard qcc with a num
| of mods to make i Mostly for unix users, but
| if you have a PC compiler (hopefully gc
| should compile ok. On the included .qc files
| this compiles abo twice as fast. The mods to
| make it go 3.5x-4x faster just don't for some
| reason. stay on top of it. This version DOES
| work. ;)
FEMPLAYR.ZIP [0] Quake: - This is a texture replacement for
| the player in Quake. It replaces the pla in
| Quake with a female warrior.
FFIELD.ZIP [0] Quake: - Union Force Field Info [.] New ./L
| (by GamesNet)
FIRE.ZIP [0] Quake Registered 1.0: - fIreZtar's First Info
| [./D] New - (by GamesNet) Now VISed! One
| wind-tunnel,two lifts,a grenade launcher,
| Rather neat small DM level. Btw, don't pay
| attention to the message "bonus item fell
| out..etc", it's just coz I Hex edited it at
| the end and took out an armor.
FIREPOWR.ZIP [0] Quake: - Freak's Firepower
FLAMES.ZIP [0] Quake: - FLAMES & FLARES - the Quake flames a
| flare addition! Info [.] New ./L (by
| GamesNet) I was just playing with QuakeC,
| trying to add weapons.. and th kind of
| emerged while I was writing something
| completely different original project failed
| miserably (I've given now) so I started these
| instead..
FLARE2.ZIP [0] Quake: - Quake Flares 2
FRAGGIN.ZIP [0] Quake: - fraggin.dem Hall.bsp
FRAGYARD.ZIP [0] Quake: - Fragyard Info [-/D] New - (by
| GamesNet) My first attempt at Quake editing.
| This map was based on the Quake map
| d2map07.bsp by Tom Mustaine, which was a
| remake of the Doom 2 map 7. My friends and I
| liked it so much, we wanted to extend it a
| bit, by adding some more brushes and changing
| a few things.
FRCASTLE.ZIP [0] Quake: - Fear Castle Info [S/D] New . (by
| GamesNet) Single and Deathmatch Quake castle
| map Additional thanx to : id, bsp, and the ot
| tools
FREDCAST.ZIP [0] Quake REG 1.01 or hi: - FredCast Info [-/D]
| New . (by GamesNet) Deathmatch map - No exit
| Made for lots of close combat
FUNRUN.ZIP [0] Quake: - FunRun Info [.] New . (by GamesNet)
GALORE.ZIP [0] Quake: - Quake Dm Level! DL it This is a BETA
| version, there will be MANY modifications
| before uploading to cdrom.com.. Final version
| should done soon
GENIUS.ZIP [0] Quake: - Genius Missiles(tm) v1.0
GIBGUNS.ZIP [0] Quake: - Gib Guns v.1b
GIGGLER2.ZIP [0] Quake: - Giggler2.bsp - Cloud Castle Info
| [./D] New - (by GamesNet) Deathmatch Quake
| map made for the deathmatch 2 setting. A
| castle in the sky. Other Works : Giggler.bsp
| Qflag.bsp - Quake Capture the Flag Qtag.bsp -
| Quake Tag
GIGGLER4.ZIP [0] Quake: - Giggler4.bsp Info [./D] New - (by
| GamesNet) Fairly large deathmatch Quake map
| made for th deathmatch 2 setting. Other Works
| : Giggler.bsp Giggler2.bsp Giggler3.bsp
| Qflag.bsp - Quake Capture the Flag Qtag.bsp -
| Quake Tag
GIL-SKIN.ZIP [0] DI . .pRSenTieRt\/? [28.09.1996] <[o1 oF
GIL-WIND.ZIP [0] DI . .pRSenTieRt\/? [28.09.1996] <[o1 oF
| o1]=> . WiNDOWS 32 BiT x86 DEDiCATED QUAKE
| SERVER <=>
GLASS.ZIP [0] RealGlass - from The QuakeLab
GODELQC5.ZIP [0] Quake: - Later versions of this mod Version 5
| of the Godel Quake C Mods.
GONDOLA.ZIP [0] The Gondola - from The QuakeLab
GRAVITY2.ZIP [0] Quake: - Gravity Grenades v2.0
GREATGIB.ZIP [0] Quake: - GORE QUAKE Info [.] New . (by
| GamesNet) Do you wish Quake was more gory?
| Well this Quake-C patch is your answer. This
| gibs fly all ove the place. Just go try it.
GRNDFEST.ZIP [0] Quake: - Grenade Fest 2, Ogre's Revenge Info
| [.] New . (by GamesNet) The boys at id were
| too kind, they made all t handy targeting
| functions and then didn't let the monsters us
| half of them. Well if you've ever thought
| that the monsters were easy to avoid in
| Quake, don't worry. They can get smarter :)
GUARDIAN.ZIP [0] Guardian from The Quake Chronicles
GUIDE101.ZIP [0] Quake: - Guided Missiles v1.01
HALLOW02.ZIP [0] Quake: - HALLOWED GROUND Info [S/C] New - (by
| GamesNet) When the Clans were young, a place
| was needed for righteous battle! Additional
| Credits to : Ben Morris (WORLDCR designer),
| Walnut FTP site (ftp.cdrom.com), and id
| Software. Special Thanks to : Jay Wilbur and
| John Carmack of id Softwa answering all
| manner of silly questions; the
HARDTRGT.ZIP [0] Quake: - Hard Target for QUAKE Info [-/D] New
| - (by GamesNet) Hard Target is an Army Base
| style DeathMatch level. There are 3 secret
| areas that contain each artifact, the easiest
| contains the Ring of Invisibility and the
| hardest contains the Pentagram of Protection.
| While the floating platform is your access to
| the superior guard spot for players seeking
| the secret area with
HAVOC.ZIP [0] Quake: - Havoc Info [-/D] New - (by GamesNet)
| TeamFortress v1.3 Quake Map
HEADS.ZIP [0] Quake: - Heads.qc by Casey Robinson
HEAP.ZIP [0] Quake: - The Trash Heap V.1 Info [.] New -
| (by GamesNet) Pretty small, but *I* like it
HELLPLAY.ZIP [0] Quake: - This is a remake of the Hellknight
| refitted for the player.mdl. Not much
| involved here just some simple changes.
HELSCRAG.ZIP [0] Quake: - Hell Scrag Info [S] New ./L (by
| GamesNet)
HOCKEY.ZIP [0] Quake: - Et's Hockey Arena Info [-] New - (by
| GamesNet) Cool Hockey Arena with stands and
| all weapons
HOMEFIX.ZIP [0] Quake: - Selectable Homing Missile Fix Info
| [S] New . (by GamesNet) I really enjoyed
| Vhold's Homing missile patch made me want to
| own patches). But I wanted to disable it in
| deathmatch (Cheesey!) it selectable in single
| player mode (sometime you don't want to h
| crucified zombies).
HOUSTRPS.ZIP [0] Quake: - Enter the Dragon Info [S/C/D] New -
| (by GamesNet) Enter the Dragon and House of
| Traps are two unique single player levels for
| Quake. In Enter the Dragon you will select
| your skill level for your journey through the
| House of Traps. You will have to choose 1 of
| the 4 rooms to select your skill preference.
| Each room being a little more difficult then
| the previous.
IDGLOBE.ZIP [0] Quake: - IDGlobe.qc 1.2
IMPULIST.ZIP [0] Quake: - Standard Issue Impulse Lister for
| Quake (IMPULIST)
INFINITY.ZIP [0] Quake: - Infinity Info [-/D] New - (by
| GamesNet) A cool deathmatch level that I did
| primarily as a learning experience. I'm more
| pleased than I had expected with the results.
| The main lesson I learned, however, is to
| avoid large open areas in Quake, as they tend
| to slow down Pentiums at the bottom end of
| the system requirements for Quake.
INITIAL.ZIP [0] Quake: - Initial Horror Info [S] New - (by
| GamesNet) My first contribution to Quake
| Single player levels.
INTHESKY.ZIP [0] Quake: - Up In The Sky Info [-] New - (by
| GamesNet) This is my first map (can't you
| tell?). I started on a bigger map before
| using only WorldCraft then I started messing
| around with Quakemap which I liked but I
| found was missing certain features and the
| invaluable 3d view!....the other map
| shouldn't be too far away now so watch out
| for it.
IPEXIT05.ZIP [0] Quake: - IP Exit v0.5 by Shoaib Kamil
IRONWLVT.ZIP [0] Quake: - Ok, this is my attempt at combining
| alot of the qc patches together.
IWBOT16.ZIP [0] Quake: - IronWulvt's Deathmatch Bot
JCFCRT00.ZIP [0] Qauke: - j.c.f.'s court o' death Info [-] New
| - (by GamesNet) wannabe yogi
JQL.ZIP [0] Quake: - John's Quake Launcher 1.0 - Win95
| 13/10/96
JUDAS24.ZIP [0] Quake: - Judas24 (v1.0) Info [-] New - (by
| GamesNet) Judas24 is based on my judas23.wad
| (for DOOM2 deathmatch) and represents the
| last level in the Judas Series for either
| DOOM2 OR Quake. I have designed this level to
| be used with Avatar's deathmatch 3 QuakeC
| patch (included) (See below for more details.)
KICKASS.ZIP [0] Quake: - KickAss Weapons Collection v1.0
KILLEMAL.ZIP [0] Quake: - Kill 'em all Info [.] New . (by
| GamesNet) Only one room, but there's ACTION,
| ACTION and ACTION. Additional Credits to :
| Jim Lowell for Thre Holger Rssig for testing
| and forcing me to publish this map. Bill
| Gates for his fantastic Win95 ;-) ID Software
| for the best game since DOOM * Play
| Information *
KINGS1.ZIP [0] Quake: - Kings Arena 1 Info [S/D] New - (by
| GamesNet) Deathmatch Quake Map
KISSQ.ZIP [0] Quake: - KISS QUAKE Info [.] New -/G (by
| GamesNet) It's Gene Simmons from Kiss !! Rock
| !
KNDYBASE.ZIP [0] Quake: - KandyBase Info [-/D] New . (by
| GamesNet) Nice, medium-sized level for
| Deathmatch 2 _Very_ 3d, lots of divebombing
| and jumping on people's heads guaranteed.
| Also included is a quake C patch to make the
| weapons more balanced (like in Doom2).
KUAQE.ZIP [0] Quake: - Combo Patch for Registered Quake
| This patch combines: - A Flashlight (impulse
| 12) - A Laser Targeting System (impulse 13) -
| A Chase Camera (impulse 14) - A Flare Gun
| (impulse 15) - A Monster Remover (impulse 16)
| - Player Footstep Sound (impulse 17) -
| Non-solid but Gibbable monsters (like Duk -
| Shell Eject for Player Shotguns and Grunt
KUAQE2.ZIP [0] Quake: - Combo Patch For Registered Quake
KYSENTRY.ZIP [0] Quake: - Entryway - Quaked Info [.] New . (by
| GamesNet) Basically Level One of Doom2
| (Entryway) recre by my loving hands for
| Quake. On Doom2 this l rocked. On Quake,
| there is nothing even close
KYSENTY2.ZIP [0] Quake: - Entryway ][ - Quaked Info [S] New .
| (by GamesNet) Basically Level One of Doom2
| (Entryway) recre by my loving hands for
| Quake. On Doom2 this l rocked. On Quake,
| there is nothing even close Yeah well that
| was the first one.. this is slightly updated
| (shoulda been a hell of a lot more..
LAVA.ZIP [0] Quake: - Example for lava.
LAVAFLOW.ZIP [0] Quake: - LavaFlow Info [.] New . (by GamesNet)
LAZSIGHT.ZIP [0] Quake: Laser Sight 1.0 By Scott Ramsay Quake
| C patch that adds a laser sight to all Quake
| Weapons
LDG.ZIP [0] Quake: - LDG
LETSROCK.ZIP [0] Quake: - Let's Rock! Info [S] New - (by
| GamesNet) Highly detailed blacksmith's shop
| and home. No monsters, but it's worth taking
| a look at. It's kinda dark, so you might want
| to set r_ambient to 80 or so to show all the
| detail.
LIGHTB.ZIP [0] Quake: - LightBomb 1.0
LOADED.ZIP [0] Quake: - -=lOAdEd=- by MaS Info [./D] New .
| (by GamesNet) a great deathmatch area for for
| all da people around the quakeworld
| additional credits to : -id- Software da
| makers of quest da dudez on #quakeed for
| helping me beta testers : rene stuchlik, marc
| hinterwel ralf kraus, michael drtil
LODOSSV1.ZIP [0] Quake: - My very first Quake add-on Since I
| am a big fan of Record of Lodoss War (a
| Japanese anima I decided the first tiny one
| would be of it. This doesnt do -too much-, in
| fact all it is is some wav files. It replaces
| the first boss sound effects. It is a very
| nice battle song Lodoss. When you grab the
| rune, it starts pla Because the level is
| small it will continue t play until you shock
| him the first time. It s
LRKRZ_01.ZIP [0] Quake: - Lurkerz QuakeC Weapons/Items Hack
| Info [.] New . (by GamesNet) f the
| Modification = I just wanted one Modified
| Prog.Dat file with alot of new weapons and
| items. so here is a quick lis them.
MAGNET.ZIP [0] Quake: - Level magnet.bsp This is the main
| office for Magnet Interactive Studios used as
| either a deathmatch or single player
| adventure level. I ran vis about 30 hours on
| the bsp and it never returned, so it may be
| sluggish with the redraws and all. In this
| version, however, I did run vis -fast and it
| actually returned
MAGNUM.ZIP [0] Quake: - Magnum For Quake v.5
MANGAB.ZIP [0] Quake: - Manga Babe monster Info [.] New ./L
| (by GamesNet)
MAP01.ZIP [0] Quake: - DooM II Map01 Info [./D] New - (by
| GamesNet) Yet another conversion of DooM II
| Map01.
MAPENT.ZIP [0] Quake: - MAPENT- Quake .bsp entity mapper I
| originally thought entmap did what this pro
| does - extract a entities from a .bsp file
| into a text file fo easy editing and ma via
| "qbsp -onlyents". Well, unless I've made
| stupid mistake and actually DOES do that (O
| the shame!) then thi program ought to ma
| happy (like me).
MAPSYNTX.ZIP [0] Quake: - Quake Map Syntax checker
MAP_EDIT.ZIP [0] MAP_EDIT - "On the fly" Quake level editor -
| simply QuakeC patch
MAP_ED~1.ZIP [0] Quake: - MAP_EDIT_PRO
MARSBASE.ZIP [0] Quake: - Marsbase Info [S/D] New - (by
| GamesNet) GREAT deathmatch level for 6+
| players Beta Testing : Duke, Emb^Ihos Other
| Works : Volcano.bsp Moonbase.bsp
MARTIM3.ZIP [0] Quake: - Deathmatch Competition '96 Tim and M
| Info [-/C/D] New - (by GamesNet) This level
| was specially designed to kill... and kill
| and kill and so on. It's a perfect deathmatch
| level for two playe but three or more works
| fine to. (No stupid one player mode
| here!!!!!!!) Deathmatch rules!
MBOMBS.ZIP [0] Quake: - This is modified version of "BOMBS8"
| "GRAP109B" it ha tested but, so far I have
| not found any bugs. has yet to be te a
| internet server so if anyone test it. I wo
| like to know if i relatively well. Also, if
| someone sets up a server with it on it know I
| would to check it out against other people. I
| hope the pro
MDL23DS.ZIP [0] Quake: - Convert Quake .MDL files to 3D
| Studio format.
MDLFLAG.ZIP [0] Quake: - MDLFLAG v1.0 This MS QuickC 2.5
| compiled executable allows to change the fl
| any Quake model (.mdl) file. Command line
| execution is as follows mdlflag <modelname>
| <flag1> [flag2 [flag3] .. <modelname> is the
| filename of the model with the .mdl extensio
MDLVW2.ZIP [0] Quake: - mdlview version 2.00
MEDDLE16.ZIP [0] Quake: - MedDLe v1.6
MEGA99.ZIP [0] Quake: - Mega Weapons by Crazed
MEGA_999.ZIP [0] Quake: - mega_999 example Info [S/D] New -
| (by GamesNet) Increase players health to 999.
MILFOUR.ZIP [0] Quake: - The Quad-Sectioned Military Door
MILLITE.ZIP [0] The Military Base Lightpost - from the QuakeL
MINI.ZIP [0] Quake: - Mini Info [S] New - (by GamesNet)
| This is my first level for id's incredible
| game QUAKE. It was born while learning how to
| edit Quake, how to use triggers, make doors,
| lights and all that kind of things. There's
| also another reason for its size. It's so
| small because a full VIS already takes about
| 30 minutes on my
MIPIDX~1.ZIP [0] Quake: - MIPINDEX, a miptexture indexer for D
| version 1.1a by Edward Kiser October 19 This
| utility can generate a WAD2 from your Qu
| files, whether you've unpacked your PAKs or n
| It does not duplicate miptextures in the WAD2
| It can use other WAD2s as source material. It
| can remove unused space from a WAD2. It can
| remove the textures from BSPs, resulti in DST
| files which are 25%-33% smaller, and m
| suitable for distribution. The DSTs can be co
MISERY.ZIP [0] Quake (of course): - No campers palace, die w
| honor! Info [S] New - (by GamesNet) Blood
| please! Additional Credits to : Ben Morris
| and IdSoftware.........
MNSTLURE.ZIP [0] Quake: - Monster Lure and Nail bomb
MODQ12.ZIP [0] How to play modem quake FAQ 1.2! By Michael
| Wise. Tells you how to play modem quake
| efficiently the headaches. COMPLETE GUIDE.
| Not just part of the info you need, ALL OF
| IT! (doesn't include info on INTERNET or
| NETWORK gaming...sorry!) Troubleshooting
| information included. GET IT Author at:
| mikewise.ddd@juno.com
MONSEV10.ZIP [0] Quake: - monster evasion Info [.] New . (by
| GamesNet) F THE MODIFICATION Ever want to
| pump a double load of buckshot i the back of
| a fle grunt? Or watch enforcers scatter as a
| grena comes bouncing thi Now you can.
MOP2.ZIP [0] Quake: - Mobsters On Parade 2 : Quake V 1.0
MS11_CLT.ZIP [0] Quake: - M U L T I S K I N 1.1
MS11_SRV.ZIP [0] Quake: - M U L T I S K I N 1.1
MSKIN1.ZIP [0] multiskinner pro create your individual
| quake-match faces or use 20 pre-done bonus:
| player-bot ((( VERY INTELLIGENT )))
| [D0S/WIN95] [10/10/96] [X/4]
MSKIN2.ZIP [0] multiskinner pro create your individual
| quake-match faces or use 20 pre-done bonus:
| player-bot ((( VERY INTELLIGENT )))
| [D0S/WIN95] [10/10/96] [X/4]
MSKIN4.ZIP [0] multiskinner pro create your individual
| quake-match faces or use 20 pre-done bonus:
| player-bot ((( VERY INTELLIGENT )))
| [D0S/WIN95] [10/10/96] [X/4]
MSPRO.ZIP [0] Quake: - M U L T I S K I N - P R O - v1.0 FOR
MULTIW.ZIP [0] Quake: - Multiweapon Mod
MUNY01.ZIP [0] Quake REG 1.01 or hi: - MunY 01 Info [S/D]
| New . (by GamesNet) MunY 01, Deathmatch only
| map. Best with 2 or 3 players. There is NO
| EXIT in this level.
MUNY02.ZIP [0] Quake REG 1.01 or hi: - MunY 02 Info [S/D]
| New . (by GamesNet) MunY 02, Deathmatch only
| map. Best with 4+ players. There is NO EXIT
| in this level.
MUNY03.ZIP [0] Quake REG 1.01 or hi: - MunY 03 Info [S/D]
| New . (by GamesNet) MunY 03, Deathmatch only
| map. Best with 4+ players. There is NO EXIT
| in this level.
NEWEJE-1.ZIP [0] Quake: - Shell Eject for Shotguns Info [.]
| New ./L (by GamesNet) This mod make shells be
| ejected from the sing and double shotguns. It
| includes
NEWWAD12.ZIP [0] Quake: - NewWad 1.2 (originally pcx2wad by
| daniel gilliland); Modified by Christopher
| Wise (wise@eng2.eng.monash.edu.au) NewWad is
| a program to add textures in pcx, b or lbm
| formats to the WAD2 files that are used by
| qbsp. NewWad is my modification to PCX2WAD
| 0.98 by daniel gilliland. pcx2wad now
| performs anti-aliasing on the sma
NOWPATCH.ZIP [0] Quake: - How to use QuakeC patch files
| without killing yourself
NRR1.ZIP [0] Quake: - Ned Ryerson's Revenge v1 Info [S/D]
| New - (by GamesNet) Big(ish) base level
| designed specifically with deathmatch in
| mind...platforms.....weapo and more platforms.
OBIWAN.ZIP [0] Quake: - Prepare for HELL Info [S/D] New .
| (by GamesNet) This is my first attempt at a
| single player level. So I really hope you
| enjoy this one. Additional thanks to :ID
| Software for the game ever ! (until the
| sequel) Chris Carollo and Trey Harrison for
| QUEST (great job !)
OFFICE.ZIP [0] Quake: - Office Info [-] New - (by GamesNet)
| Small DM level center around multi-story buil
OH-TE4M4.ZIP [0] Quake: - oh-te4m4 Demo file of a 12 player
| LAN teamplay-2. Thi demo was recorded on
| 09/21/96, at the Perry, Ohio DeathFest. We
| had 16 people, but forgot to r the action
| while everyone was there... Oh wel next time.
OLD_DM.ZIP [0] Quake: - Old Deathmatch Mode!
OOZDM5.ZIP [0] Quake: - DeathMatch Demo
PALCNVRT.ZIP [0] Quake: - Palette Converter 1.0
PAT1.ZIP [0] Quake: - Pat1-The Island of Hell Info [-/D]
| New . (by GamesNet) Deathmatch Level for 3+
| Additional thanx to : The guy that made
| Quakemap,and especiall
PATV103.ZIP [0] Quake: - Patch Manager. When quake was
| released I started building my patch file
| collection, now I'm stuck with a major
| problem! What do I have? Where did I put that
| patch... Impulse did what? Well, out of pure
| frustration I wrote this li program that'll
| pick up what you have. Patman win95 based
| quake-patch-launcher with the
PENTAMID.ZIP [0] Quake: - Pentamid by Darin McNeil Info [-/D]
| New . (by GamesNet) This is a medium sized DM
| level. A 3-level pyramid-type structure that
| offers lots of fragging opportunities.
PETDOGS.ZIP [0] Quake: - Petdogs Info [.] New . (by GamesNet)
PISTOL13.ZIP [0] Quake: - Pistol 1.3 Info [S/C/D] New S (by
| GamesNet) This .qc patch contains a pistol
| with pistol firing sound. It is your main
| weapon and repl the shotgun. The shotgun and
| the super shotg are both found under number
| 3. No pistol.mdl thou please make one and
| send it to me.
PIXEL.ZIP [0] Quake: - Non-Pixel Explosions
PLACEBO.ZIP [0] Quake: - "The Place Of Belonging" Info
| [S/C/D] New - (by GamesNet) Complete, Very
| Large Quake Map
PLAT.ZIP [0] The Standard Plat - from The QuakeLab
PLATS.ZIP [0] Quake: - Platfoems of Death
PLATTOPS.ZIP [0] The Standard Plats Starting At The Top (2
| types) - from the QuakeLab
PLAUNCH.ZIP [0] Quake: - Human Launcher by Michael Gargiulo
PLKNIGHT.ZIP [0] Quake: - Player Knight - Replacement skin for
| Quake player model
POLYED16.ZIP [0] Quake: - PolyEd v1.6
POUNDER.ZIP [0] Quake: - Pounder Info [-/D] New - (by
| GamesNet) Deathmatch Quake Map
POWARMOR.ZIP [0] Quake: - Power Armor Info [.] New ./L (by
| GamesNet) Powered Armor Patch:
PPDM1.ZIP [0] Quake Registered 1.0: - PPDM1 Info [S/D] New
| - (by GamesNet) A small deathmatch level. A
| lift, many teleporters and a switch to make
| your opponents (or your teammates) take a
| bath in well heated lava (go visit the Volc
| God!) This level is designed to play with
| deathmatc setting. There's a room containing
| the Pentagram
PPDM2.ZIP [0] Quake Registered 1.0: - PPDM2 Info [./D] New
| - (by GamesNet) This is PPDM2. A rather small
| deathmatch leve including a *very* fast
| windtunnel, lifts and enough ammo for all :).
| This level plays best with the deathmatch 2
| setting. There is no Pentagram of Protection
| around, this time (We played a 5player
| deathmatch on that map and i decided to not
| include it anymore).
PROG106A.ZIP [0] Quake: - Quake 1.06 fish bug fix Info [.] New
| . (by GamesNet)
PROGS106.ZIP [0] QuakeC: - sources
PROJ1_91.ZIP [0] QUAKE Project1 v 0.91
PSISLUG.ZIP [0] Quake: - Psionic Slug Info [S] New ./L (by
| GamesNet)
PUSHER.ZIP [0] Wind Tunnels & River Current from The QuakeLa
Q-FAQ20.ZIP [0] Unofficial QUAKE FAQ 2.0 by Toby Goldstone
Q101-106.ZIP [0] Quake 1.01 - 1.06
QBARNTC.ZIP [0] QUAKE: - Banrey Quake ! Info [.] New ./G (by
| GamesNet) After the defeat of Shub Nigurath ;
| a small b of his followers summon the
| ultimate evil force BARNEY !!!! Barney and
| his many evil followers come throu the
| slipgate . Your only choice is to go through
| Quake world again destroying all of Barney's
QBSP256B.ZIP [0] Minorly Enhanced QBSP v29 for Win32: A Quake
| level compiler
QBSP_2.ZIP [0] Quake: - code Linux Machine (1.3.89)
| Includes: qbsp,light,vis,bspinfo,entmap
QCANNON1.ZIP [0] Quake: - QuakeCannon Info [.] New . (by
| GamesNet) So you're minding your own
| business, doin' yo thing, when suddenly, you
| see a rocket launcher! Hey! That's never been
| there before! You mosey on over (intending to
| grab it), when sudden, the inert rocket launc
| starts firing!
QCCEI.ZIP [0] Quake: - QCC Easy Installer 1.0 Makes it easy
| to Compile QuakeC
QCIDE060.ZIP [0] Quake: - Quake C - Integrated Development
| Environment BETA Info [.] New . (by GamesNet)
| A IDE for developing QuakeC Patches. - All
| you ever need for editing and switching
| between the various *.qc files of Quake - All
| standard editing functions like cut&pas load,
| save, saveAs, search&replace, even a DOSShell
QCPL_20.ZIP [0] - Quake C Patch Launcher v2.0 (QCPL) Requires
| DOS, Quake Registered. QCPL offers 4DOS style
| descriptions for all Quake C Patches both
| compiled and source. It offers the ability to
| compile QC source and lauch Quake C patches
| with optional paramters.
QCPUP.ZIP [0] - Qcp - . QCP Quake Patches All of these are
| cool,they are the latest versions... Review
| the readme files in each directory. [30-08-96]
QDE1M1.ZIP [0] King REoL runs through QUAKE! - . Watch KR
| romp through E1M1 of Quake, in a not so
| grace- ful manner. . Requires the REGISTERED
| VERSION of Quake to run!
QDE1M2.ZIP [0] King REoL runs through QUAKE! - . Watch KR
| romp through E1M2 of Quake, in a not so
| grace- ful manner. . Requires the REGISTERED
| VERSION of Quake to run!
QDE1M3.ZIP [0] King REoL runs through QUAKE! - . Watch KR
| romp through E1M3 of Quake, in a not so
| grace- ful manner. . Requires the REGISTERED
| VERSION of Quake to run!
QDE1M4.ZIP [0] King REoL runs through QUAKE! - . Watch KR
| romp through E1M4 of Quake, in a not so
| grace- ful manner. . Requires the REGISTERED
| VERSION of Quake to run!
QDE1M5.ZIP [0] King REoL runs through QUAKE! - . Watch KR
| romp through E1M5 of Quake, in a not so
| grace- ful manner. . Requires the REGISTERED
| VERSION of Quake to run!
QDE1M6.ZIP [0] King REoL runs through QUAKE! - . Watch KR
| romp through E1M6 of Quake, in a not so
| grace- ful manner. . Requires the REGISTERED
| VERSION of Quake to run!
QDE1M7.ZIP [0] King REoL runs through QUAKE! - . Watch KR
| romp through E1M7 of Quake, in a not so
| grace- ful manner. . Requires the REGISTERED
| VERSION of Quake to run!
QDE1M8.ZIP [0] King REoL runs through QUAKE! - . Watch KR
| romp through E1M8 of Quake, in a not so
| grace- ful manner. . Requires the REGISTERED
| VERSION of Quake to run!
QDM11.ZIP [0] Quake: - QUAKEDM: A DOOM to Quake Geometery
| Convertor
QENTITY.ZIP [0] QUAKE ENTITIES. This is a file listing all
| the programming entities of QUAKE to help map
| and level programmers.
QFLAG.ZIP [0] Quake: - Quake Capture the Flag Info [./D]
| New - (by GamesNet) Team match Quake map
| featuring QuakeC coding by Gary Griggs.
| (ggriggs@gis.net)
QGRAPH15.ZIP [0] Quake: - QGRAPH15.
QLAUNCH.ZIP [0] Quake launcher V0.99 Qlaunch launches quake C
| mods without any problems... Want more info?
| download this file and read the readme.txt
| that is included.
QLV12.ZIP [0] Quake: - QL the QUAKE launcher v1.2
QM.ZIP [0] Quake Manager v1.0 Introduction As you can
| tell, I didn't spend a lot of time writing a
| real help file! This program is pretty simpl
| use and therefore does not need too much
| explaini The reason why I wrote this program
| was becau of the
QMAP20B.ZIP [0] Quake: - QuakeMap 2.0 BETA
QMAP20B3.ZIP [0] QuakeMap 2.0 BETA* third release Release :
| 1.10.96. For Windows 95. BETA VERSI
QMAP20B4.ZIP [0] Quake: - QuakeMap 2.0 BETA 4th release This
| is a preversion of QuakeMap 2.0, a
| level/patch/etc editor for the game by ID
| Software.
QPLUS15.ZIP [0] Quake: - Quake Plus 1.5 Info [.] New ./Q (by
| GamesNet) Quake Plus is a combination of
| different Quak enhancements making game more
| realistic by utilizing a "use" key activate,
| get or d Lots of other features are included,
| with onl few impulse keys ne to access them.
| While too powerful weapons an powerups are
| avoide
QPU12.ZIP [0] Quake: - QPU v1.2 - by Richard Nichols
QSE372F.ZIP [0] Quake Server Explorer v3.7.1 Full Version The
| Original GUI Quake Server Picker!
QSLFD.ZIP [0] Quake: - Quake SelfDestruct 1.0
QSPAWN_H.ZIP [0] Quake: - qspawn_h
QSPY31.ZIP [0] Quake: - Quake Spy 3.1, (c) 1996
QSW106_1.ZIP [0] Quake SW 1.06
QSW106_2.ZIP [0] Quake SW 1.06
QSW106_3.ZIP [0] Quake SW 1.06
QSW106_4.ZIP [0] Quake SW 1.06
QSW106_5.ZIP [0] Quake SW 1.06
QSW106_6.ZIP [0] Quake SW 1.06
QSW106_7.ZIP [0] Quake SW 1.06
QSWIN085.ZIP [0] Quake: - Quake Studio Beta 0.85
QT-OGRE.ZIP [0] Quake: - QTEST Ogres Info [S/C] New - (by
| GamesNet) In the original version of Quake,
| QTEST, when placed a Ogre in a level, it shot
| nails, like Perforator. But when the release
| version came no more nail shootin Ogre. This
| patch fixes t and the Ogres now shoot nails
| instead of gren Instructions : Make a
| directory called 'ogre (or whatever you
| choose) in the Quake directory. Place the
QTAG.ZIP [0] Quake: - Quake Tag Info [./D] New - (by
| GamesNet) Team match Quake map featuring
| QuakeC coding by Gary Griggs.
| (ggriggs@gis.net)
QTALK.ZIP [0] Quake: - Talk
QTEAM150.ZIP [0] Quake: - QTeam 1.50
QTROOPER.ZIP [0] Quake: - This texture depicts a modified
| tatooine stormtrooper
QUAK-TGM.ZIP [0] GamesNet info legend for Quake Info [S/C/D]
| New S/G/D/L/Q/M (by GamesNet) . .
| +-Deathmatch . +-Cooperative . +-Single
| Player . New S/G/D/L/Q/M . . +-New Music
QUAKECC.ZIP [0] make your OWN C-BASED subroutines for quake
| [DOS]
QUAKECPP.ZIP [0] Quake C powerpack This is a collection of
| codes...
QUAKEED.ZIP [0] QuakeEd 2.0 by John Carmack and John Romero
QUEST041.ZIP [0] Quake: - Changes for Quest 1.04:
QUMA10.ZIP [0] Quake: - QuMa v1.0
QWDED106.ZIP [0] This is an unsupported release of a native
| Win32 x86 Quake dedicated server.
Q_UNLAG1.ZIP [0] Quake: - quake unleashed aggression 1 Info
| [S/D] New - (by GamesNet) Unlag 1 for
| Quake... Deathmatch Map
RA.ZIP [0] Quake: - The Tomb of Ra Info [S/C/D] New -
| (by GamesNet) The ambience of the level is
| designed to refl a deserted tomb
RACNAB20.ZIP [0] Quake: - RACNAB v2.0
RANDOM.ZIP [0] Quake: - Random Items Info [-/D] New - (by
| GamesNet) Finally, something to help equalize
| deathmatc Items will appear and regenerate at
| random it locations.
RAPFIRE2.ZIP [0] Quake: - Rapid fire shotgun II. This weapon
| is for those players who are gett their butts
| ;-)..... This weapon is an improvement over
| the first Rapid Fire Shotgun. This model has
| a muzzle flash and also ejects shells. This
| weapon has all new models, sounds and
| modified qc co I used Meddle 1.5 to get the
| wire frame model
RAZORS.ZIP [0] The Razor Blades - from The QuakeLab
RDI.ZIP [0] Quake: - Random Deathmatch Items Info [.] New
| . (by GamesNet)
REAPRB07.ZIP [0] Quake: - The Reaper Bot Info [.] New . (by
| GamesNet)
REAPRSKN.ZIP [0] Quake: - A Reaper Bot Skins File Info [.] New
| ./L (by GamesNet) Just a skins replacement
| file to allow 16 different colored player run
| around fragging each other. There are no
| custom skins here - I the original player
| model and then changed th shirt and pants col
| just like a network or Internet frag fest wit
| all the DUMB C3p
REDPIT.ZIP [0] Quake: - redpit Info [-] New - (by GamesNet)
| A DM Level aimed at 4-8 player games,
| challenging, see if you have the guts to get
| quad. There will Seasons en fer.
RONZO1.ZIP [0] Quake: - Ronzo1 is my first level and my firs
| release. There will that i will release soon
| with a cpatch for Qt
RUMBLE.ZIP [0] Quake: - Rumble Info [-/D] New . (by
| GamesNet) Deathmatch level.
RUNWAYS.ZIP [0] Quake: - The Runways Info [./D] New - (by
| GamesNet) This is my first map The Runways.
| This is the first version of this dm level I
| plan on releasing another version in a few
| days, the new version will also include the
| .map so anyone can edit it. This is a cool dm
| level with Runways running across the air,
| its pretty neat, I hope ya like it
SACRIFCE.ZIP [0] Quake: - Remember how id told us you would be
| able to sacrifice the heads of y enemies to
| the gods? Well, now you can with this amazing
| patch, brought to you by Broken... Download
| and enjoy. Includes the progs.dat, and the
| source code..
SAMBOT.ZIP [0] Quake: - SamBot Info [.] New . (by GamesNet)
| f the Modification -
SATANDEN.ZIP [0] Quake: - Satan's Den Info [S] New - (by
| GamesNet) Full Quake map.
SD.ZIP [0] Quake: - SuperDetectors Info [S/C/D] New -
| (by GamesNet) This is a remake of the
| MOTION-DETECTORS by K The Detectors now are
| free, can't be killed, have unlimited ammo. I
| edited KTGOW's code so the detectors have
| better aim, also. There is new feature that
| lets you throw a "dud" detec This is useful
| to make a trap of bombs or fak someone out.
| Instructions : Make a directory called 'SD'
SERVER1.ZIP [0] Quake: - server 1.9.6
SERVER~1.ZIP [0] Server Modules v2.5.6 ###### Overview:
| ServerModules is a set of modularized QuakeC
| modifications. The range of applicability is
| restricted to deathmatch games. The
| modifications require an installation on
| server only. They are based on QuakeC version
| 1.06 and may
SGC4.ZIP [0] Quake: - Notlob's Residence Info [S/D] New -
| (by GamesNet) Full Quake map.
SHADOW.ZIP [0] Quake: - Mysterious Shadows from The QuakeLab
SHOCKAB.ZIP [0] Quake: - Shocka(TM) Ammo Info [.] New . (by
| GamesNet) A new grenade / rocket type. Using
| "impulse 12" (linked to "9" in config.cfg)
| switches the grenades / rockets used by the
| grenade / rocket launcher between n an
| Shocka's(TM). When exploding, the Shocka's
| blast away all enemy (including you) in range
| without doing any damage (great for DM le
| with small platforms and a lot of lava /
| slime!!!). This looks rea with
SHOOTERS.ZIP [0] Standard Shooters - from The QuakeLab
SHOWHLTH.ZIP [0] Quake: - ShowHealth Info [.] New . (by
| GamesNet) See your health and armour without
| the need o the stat bar, nice small numbers,
| the way it should be.
SHUBFIX.ZIP [0] Quake: - This is a small Quake C patch that
| replaces what you are doing when you pop out
| of Shub a the end of the game. ID software
| was really and used a crapy frame just
| because it is fra of the player mdl. I feel
| that this frame is more appropriate.
SIEGE.ZIP [0] Quake: - SEIGE Info [-/D] New - (by GamesNet)
| TeamFortress Quake Map
SIEGE3.ZIP [0] Quake: - Siege Info [-/D] New - (by GamesNet)
| TeamFortress v1.3 Quake Map
SILO.ZIP [0] Quake: - Silo of Death.........
SKNTOWN.ZIP [0] Quake: - (NOT YET TITLED) Info [.] New - (by
| GamesNet) This is a VERY alpha version of my
| level, and I just put it out to get reactions
| to the initial design. No company is going to
| want to take THIS map. :)
SLIME.ZIP [0] Quake: - Example for slime.
SLIPGATE.ZIP [0] The Standard Teleporter - from The QuakeLab
SNAKEMAN.ZIP [0] Quake: - Bubbah's Snakeman Info [.] New ./L
| (by GamesNet)
SOULSWP1.ZIP [0] Quake: - Soul Swapper Info [.] New . (by
| GamesNet)
SPCERNGR.ZIP [0] Quake: - Space Ranger Skin for QUAKE Info [.]
| New ./G (by GamesNet) I include the
| player.mdl and h_player.mdl for ease of use.
SPIDER.ZIP [0] Quake: - Willy the Spider Info [.] New ./L
| (by GamesNet)
SPIDERMN.ZIP [0] Quake: - Spiderman Info [.] New ./L (by
| GamesNet) Spiderman from the famous Marvel
| Comics serie I got the idea while I was
| lokking at the paper and I though would be an
| easy thing for my first try at Quake editing.
SPRDGUN2.ZIP [0] Quake: - Spread Nail Gun Info [.] New . (by
| GamesNet) I thought the basic nailgun was
| kind of wimpy I did a little "Tim Allen"
| upgrade on it. MORE POWER!! Anyw it gives you
| a sp gun that like fires out 5 nails in a "+"
| patt I've also slowed the fire rate a bit,
| and made it use up 2 nai for each shot, so
| TigerShark (aka SuperHero#1)
| (tigershark@shelby.net) = DESCRIPTION In
| Rememberance of that Wonderful
| Nintendo/Arcade Game, 'Contra I've developed
| a QuakeC Add-in for the All-Powerful Spread
| Gun! (S Metal Eagles to shoot down here)
SQUISH.ZIP [0] Quake: - Squish Info [-] New - (by GamesNet)
| Small DM level with a squisher
STCKYBMB.ZIP [0] Quake: - Sticky Pipe Bombs (this is a Weapon
| patch) Info [S] New - (by GamesNet) This is
| my first quake patch, what it does is similar
| to the common pipe bomb but you shoot it and
| it stic to walls and monsters and detonates
| when you activate impu 31. Thanks to the guys
| who designed the morning star (grapp
STINGER.ZIP [0] Quake: - Stinger bomb for QuakeC code
STINGER2.ZIP [0] Quake: - Stinger bomb 2.0
STORM1.ZIP [0] Quake: - storm Info [-/D] New - (by GamesNet)
| TeamFortress v1.3 Quake Map
SUPLIGHT.ZIP [0] Quake: - Super Lightning Gun Info [.] New .
| (by GamesNet) Super Lightning gun
SWBOT104.ZIP [0] Quake: - Swimming Bot (Swimbot) Info [.] New
| . (by GamesNet) Changes since version 1.03:
| Updated for Quak 1.06. Can now have up to
| four single player bots (m have some bugs
| still, one bot is still best). Sti bot
| grenades or lightning. Have only receive
| handful of comments about previous revs, so
| just the
SWCHPAL.ZIP [0] Quake: - Swchpal is a quake utility This will
| allow you to convert one palette to another
| in quake. This is used on your pak files and
| other graphics containing files. Share &
| Enjoy! Andy Bay (IMarvinTPA) released 9/15/96
SYNAPSE.ZIP [0] Quake: - Synapse- The NERVE Gap Info [S] New
| . (by GamesNet) About 6 room's which are
| good. heh very descriptive i am.
TATTOO1.ZIP [0] Quake: - Tattoo's First Quake Level Info
| [S/D] New - (by GamesNet) A small to medium
| deathmatch level only. Has 4 good sized
| rooms, and a hallway. Plenty of room to run
| around in. I put 20 deathmatch starts in it
| just so you didn't come out at the same spot
| all the time. Probably a good level for 6 to
| 8 players. Not sure though. I used the reaper
| bot for testing and had ten in it. I liked
TCHWPN10.ZIP [0] Quake: - techWeapon Info [S] New - (by
| GamesNet) The Good News: Your single- and
| double-barrel shotguns have been replaced
| with high tech si and dual blasters. They use
| Plasma Charges fo ammo. (Remarkably, the
| blasters look like shotguns, the charges look
| like shotgun shells. Go fig. They also have a
| faster firing rate than the shotguns they
| replace, which is a good thing
TEF_SG.ZIP [0] Quake: - Slime Ground Info [S/D] New . (by
| GamesNet) TJ's sequel to his surprisingly
| well-recieved Quake map, "Altar of Pain",
| released in early September (Thanks all!).
| "Slime Ground" can be played both as a single
| player and as a multiplayer deathmatch game.
TEKWAR.ZIP [0] Quake (of course): - Life means death! Info
| [-] New - (by GamesNet) Young man with no
| job! Additional Credits to : Ben Morris and
| IdSoftware.
TELEW11.ZIP [0] Quake: - TeleWeapon Patch 1.1
TF1_21PR.ZIP [0] Quake: - TeamFortress Quake Version 1.21
| Multiple Player classes patch for Quake, with
| advanced team options, new weapons, items,
| rules, Advanced Map Support, etc.
TF1_21SC.ZIP [0] TEAM FORTRESS V1.21 TeamFortress is a new
| QuakeC patch which radically changes team
| games.It provides far more incentive for
| teams to actually work as a team. Each member
| of the team has unique weapons,items, and
| abilities! .* SOURCE CODES!*
TF1_2SRC.ZIP [0] Quake: - TeamFortress Quake Version 1.2
| Multiple Player classes patch for Quake, with
| advanced team options, new weapons, items,
| rules, Advanced Map Support, etc. Source only.
THEBEACH.ZIP [0] Quake: - The Beach Info [S/D] New . (by
| GamesNet) The Beach! w/ a moving boat & waves
| !. has all the weapons,and a secret room. Oh
| yea, don't forget the fish under the pier
| lots of em. Additional Credits to : ID
| Software, for Qu QBSP256b from woofer 3DS2MAP
| by Travis (Lemur)
THRED06B.ZIP [0] Quake: - Thread 06B
THROWEYE.ZIP [0] Quake: - ThrowEyes 1.0
TITEROPE.ZIP [0] Quake: - Tightrope Info [S] New . (by
| GamesNet) Compact single player level with
| good kill potential. Kill stuff, keys, stay
| alive & get out. You know...the usual...
| Additional Credits to : Romero, Carmack & a
| the wonderfully tw Sto (Remco Stoffer)
| sto@pi.net for his Quake Tricks file.
TMSKIN10.ZIP [0] Quake: - The Fair Team Skin Id's player skin
| makes it hard to tell what t a person is on
| fr front, and that adds a needless
| complication team games. The p was well put
| by somebody on Usenet (sorry for paraphrase
| and m attribution, this is from memory of a
| post fr few months ago)
TOD.ZIP [0] Quake registered: - Tower of Death for QUAKE
| Info [S/C/D] New - (by GamesNet) Tower of
| Death is a small but tight single player /
| Deathmatch level for Quake, utilizing Quake's
| ability to use floors above floors above
| floors. Your main objective is to proceed to
| the third floor exit alive and in the
| quickest amount of time, while slaughtering
| all those who stand in your way. Can you
TOP20S-1.ZIP [0] Quake: - Changes since Top20Skins-1.0:
TORTURE.ZIP [0] Quake: - Torture Info [S/D] New . (by
| GamesNet) Quake level designed with single
| player in mi
TP_526.ZIP [0] Quake: - New .exe file for Thred 0.6b.
| Essentially patches 0.5b to 0.6b.
TRACBEAM.ZIP [0] Quake: - The Tractor Beam Info [.] New . (by
| GamesNet)
TRAPS.ZIP [0] Quake: - Booby Trap Info [./D] New - (by
| GamesNet) Lays down what appears to be a box
| of missile When another player tries to pick
| one up... b They get a mouthfull! Will
| hopefully keep th rocket hungry freaks on
| their toes.
TREES.ZIP [0] Quake: - Trees Info [.] New . (by GamesNet) I
| remember writing a letter to Carmack a
| looooooong time ago, prio QTest's release,
| asking if they could please some cool trees,
| combat fire could not penetrate, for realism,
| etc. Oh, so naive. before it became so
| painfully obvious why spr would almost be
TWISTED.ZIP [0] Quake: - Twisted Thoughts Info [-/D] New -
| (by GamesNet) A Quakematch level optimized
| for speed and gibs-a-plenty! Sort of a sci-fi
| theme, arranged in 3 quarter of a ring, and a
| couple of other passages. Check out my web
| page for a bot-match only version: try it
| with 4 bgbots - nonstop action.
TYGARDEN.ZIP [0] Quake: - The Garden of Ty Info [-/D] New -
| (by GamesNet) 3 big rooms in connection. One
| with 4 telepor and a rocketlaunch one empty
| exept from a road on poles in the middle that
| leads to a and one with a house on the wall
| and a lake b and a sniping sp rocks with
| 16-player ripbot. Also small enoug for some
| great 2-pl
UHOLE.ZIP [0] Quake: - impulse 100 will fire off a little
| ball that disappears.
ULTQMDL.ZIP [0] Quake: - Ultimate Quake MDL
ULTQMIN.ZIP [0] Quake: - ULTIMATE QUAKE by Michael Gummelt
| First release, September 29, 1996 For use
| with Quake v1.01 CONTENTS: Introduction
| Miscellaneous Enhancements MultiSkins Weapons
| Magic & Spells
ULTQSRC.ZIP [0] Quake: - Here is the source code for Ultimate
| Quake. I was going to wait until I fixed the
| size problem, but I had so much demand for
| it, I had to let it This reflects some minor
| bug fixes i've made to th first release
| (1.01) of Ultimate Quake. As I've sa it is
| going to be hard to take this apart and us
ULTQUTIL.ZIP [0] Quake: - These are the files you'll need to
| compile your own progs.dat from the source
| code I released. If you have themm already,
| don't get them. They are: qccdos.exe Quake C
| compiler for DOS qccwin32.exe Quake C
| compiler for Windows (32 cwsdpmi.exe needed
| by the compiler Mike
UNREL.ZIP [0] Quake: - Unreliable Weapons Info [.] New .
| (by GamesNet)
UPGRADE.ZIP [0] Quake Upgrade V1.00 including -Quake Naked !!!
UPPER.ZIP [0] Quake: - Upper Limits Info [-] New - (by
| GamesNet) My first attempt at deathmatch
| Should be pretty cool but I have only tried i
| player. It has platforms going high into the
| sky + al weapons and powerup The architecture
| is pretty boring and there i really cool stuf
VAMP10.ZIP [0] Quake: - Vampire Mod Info [.] New ./L (by
| GamesNet)
VAULT.ZIP [0] Quake: - The Vault Info [.] New . (by
| GamesNet) Three round rooms and one lofty
| room with various paths in between. Teleports
| and Lifts included along with some nice
| architecture.
VBOT11.ZIP [0] Quake: - Victim Bot Info [.] New ./L (by
| GamesNet) So. You think you're pretty hot
| stuff. You rock _anyone_ you know in a
| DeathMatch. Well. Try this ba victimBOT. Now
| there are innocent bystanders everywhere! Can
| you avoid them while still attacking your
| target??
VISTIME.ZIP [0] Quake: - LEET VIS Current Version: Time
| Testing Version
VITAL.ZIP [0] Quake: - Vital Signs Info [-/D] New - (by
| GamesNet) Compact 2 player Quakematch level.
| Plenty of every minute, guaranteed.
VOLCANO.ZIP [0] Quake: - Volcano is my 2nd level
VULCAN.ZIP [0] Quake: - Vulcan Info [-] New - (by GamesNet)
| Abandoned village at foot of volcano
VX-E1M2A.ZIP [0] Quake: - E1M2 for Eliminator Bot Info [.] New
| . (by GamesNet) This modification will add
| level E1M2 to Came Newham's Eliminat
VX-E1M7.ZIP [0] Quake: - E1M7 map for Eliminator Bot Info [.]
| New . (by GamesNet)
VX-E4M3.ZIP [0] Quake: - E4M3 map for Eliminator Bot Info [.]
| New . (by GamesNet)
WATER.ZIP [0] Standard Water & Sky - from The QuakeLab
WATERFLO.ZIP [0] Quake: - WaterFlo Info [.] New . (by
| GamesNet) This modification simply uses one
| of id's original textures to cre flowing
| water for Quake, a much needed additi
WILBUR1.ZIP [0] Quake: - Wilbur's Mod Info [.] New ./L (by
| GamesNet)
WINDOW.ZIP [0] Quake: - Window Textured Portal Lighting -
| concept by Paul Mandell
WIZWELL.ZIP [0] Quake: - The Wizard's Well Info [-/D] New -
| (by GamesNet) Much water, some air, a little
| land and a boa Intended for just a few
| players (2-8).
WOOFLITE.ZIP [0] Quake: - "Light with a progress indicator" fo
| Win32 This is just a simple modification to
| the lig program to add a p indicator, as well
| as display the # of entiti that were actually
| It was compiled by Tom Grandgent (Woofer) usi
| Visual C++ 4.0 wit optimizations. If you
| don't have a Pentium, are you doing co
WOTQKE30.ZIP [0] Quake: - Wheel of Time Quake
XPAK041.ZIP [0] Quake: - XPak v0.4.1; XPAK is a Quake PAK
| file modification/extraction/creation tool.
| It List Lists contents of the .PAK file dire
| Extract Extracts specified lumps to the
| directory tree Add Adds/Updates a lump to a
| PAK file Remove Removes a lump from a PAK
| file Rename Rename lump in PAK file New since
| version 0.4.0:
XSOLDR02.ZIP [0] Quake: - Xsoldier v2 by Bill Turner
YETI.ZIP [0] Quake: - As requested, another frightening
| creation from my friend Eric. Download and
| overwrite the Shambler.mdl.
ZAXE1.ZIP [0] Quake: - Zaxe
ZDEATH1.ZIP [0] Quake: - zdeath1.bsp level
ZEN.ZIP [0] Quake: - Zen DeathMatch Info [./D] New - (by
| GamesNet) A pretty neat DM level for quake.
| Lots of sniping, running and few [VERY FEW]
| hiding spots. 2 Secrets that are pretty easy
| to find.
ZEUS10.ZIP [0] Quake: - ZeusBot
ZONES.ZIP [0] Quake: - Zones of Death Info [-/D] New . (by
| GamesNet) This is a medium sized DM level
| with one zone the bottom that is fairly open,
| and one on th that offers more close combat.
| The top level (zone) done by Geese was pasted
| on top of mine and connected with teleporters.